As a student on a liberal university campus, I often hear Israel spoken about in the context of human rights violations. On the contrary, Israel is at the forefront of domestic, local, and international humanitarian relief efforts.
In 2007, Israel sent a team of medical experts to assist after a major earthquake in Peru. More »
Nowadays you see very different types of activism taking place on college campuses across the United States. There are the campuses that face their opposition head-on with provocative demonstrations like the “Pinocchio” blow-up that stood at Columbia University. We’ll call this group the “Confrontationists.” And on the other hand, you see many campuses who decide More »
Being a vocal Zionist on a college campus is only half the battle, especially when you are not Jewish. The other half is attempting to show other students, who have largely been misinformed about Israel, that a Zionist is not a mythical beast to be whispered about in the same breath as the archetypal racist, More »
The words flashed on my phone. I stared at them in disbelief. My friend Sean was dead.
Just around my 18th birthday, I was drafted into the IDF. My base, Michve Elon, was in northern Israel. My friend Sean and I shared a room as well as our philosophies, life views, and histories.