Report an Anti-Israel Event

Unfortunately, anti-Israel and anti-Semitic events have become more frequent on campuses across the country. ZOA Campus works to counter these hate-filled events and prepare students to respond appropriately and effectively. If you know of an anti-Israel event on your campus, please fill out the form below to alert us. We have numerous resources to counter anti-Israelism and anti-Semitism, so please let us know of any upcoming events so we can give you the resources you need to fight this hatred.

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Report an Anti-Israel Event
Unfortunately, anti-Israel and anti-Semitic events have become more frequent on campuses across the country. ZOA Campus works to counter these hate-filled events and prepare students to respond appropriately and effectively. If you know of an anti-Israel event on your campus, please fill out the form below to alert us. We have numerous resources to counter anti-Israelism and anti-Semitism, so please let us know of any upcoming events so we can give you the resources you need to fight this hatred.
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* Indicates required question
Name *
Your answer
Campus *
Your answer
Email Address *
Your answer
Phone Number (Optional)
Your answer
Please describe the anti-Israel event. *
What is the topic of the event and who is speaking (if applicable)? What groups are organizing it? Is this a university-sponsored event? How many students do you expect to show up to the event?
Your answer
What is the pro-Israel community planning to do in response (if applicable)?
Your answer
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