Your Civil Rights

Defend Your Rights as a Pro-Israel Student on Campus

The ZOA Center for Law and Justice is a resource for students who want to take a stand against anti-Semitism and Israel-bashing on campus. All too often, Jewish and pro-Israel students face bullying and are made to feel uncomfortable, or even afraid, to express their pro-Israel views. Whether this bullying comes from individual students, student groups, faculty members, administrators, or others, the ZOA Center for Law and Justice is here to help students fight anti-Semitic harassment and intimidation.

Here are some examples of actions the Center takes to assist students:

  • Alerts administrators to specific campus problems and identifies steps that schools can and should take to remedy a hostile environment for Jewish and pro-Israel students, whether the hostility is inside or outside the classroom.
  • Urges university leaders to enforce school policies and publicly condemn any and all forms of anti-Semitism that occur on campus, including anti-Israelism that crosses the line into anti-Semitism.
  • Takes legal action, where the facts and circumstances warrant it, to ensure that schools live up to their legal obligation to protect Jewish students from anti-Semitic harassment, intimidation, and discrimination.

The Center for Law and Justice also triggered the first-ever investigation of campus anti-Semitism by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.  We led the campaign to ensure that Title VI would be enforced to protect Jewish students.

Please contact your campus coordinator or fill out the form below if any of the following has occurred on your campus.

  • If you witnessed or experienced anti-Semitic harassment, intimidation, or discrimination.
  • If you need help fighting BDS or other anti-Israel campaigns.
  • If your Jewish and/or pro-Israel event was disrupted or shut down.
  • If you believe your Jewish or pro-Israel group is being treated differently from other student groups on campus.

We are here to answer questions, help you resolve problems, and protect your right to a safe and respectful campus environment that is conducive to learning and to you reaching your full potential.

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Report an Anti-Israel Event
Unfortunately, anti-Israel and anti-Semitic events have become more frequent on campuses across the country. ZOA Campus works to counter these hate-filled events and prepare students to respond appropriately and effectively. If you know of an anti-Israel event on your campus, please fill out the form below to alert us. We have numerous resources to counter anti-Israelism and anti-Semitism, so please let us know of any upcoming events so we can give you the resources you need to fight this hatred.
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* Indicates required question
Name *
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Campus *
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Email Address *
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Phone Number (Optional)
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Please describe the anti-Israel event. *
What is the topic of the event and who is speaking (if applicable)? What groups are organizing it? Is this a university-sponsored event? How many students do you expect to show up to the event?
Your answer
What is the pro-Israel community planning to do in response (if applicable)?
Your answer
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