As a student on a liberal university campus, I often hear Israel spoken about in the context of human rights violations. On the contrary, Israel is at the forefront of domestic, local, and international humanitarian relief efforts.
In 2007, Israel sent a team of medical experts to assist after a major earthquake in Peru. More »
Being a vocal Zionist on a college campus is only half the battle, especially when you are not Jewish. The other half is attempting to show other students, who have largely been misinformed about Israel, that a Zionist is not a mythical beast to be whispered about in the same breath as the archetypal racist, More »
Stop. Arrêtez. Ta’atzo. Enough is enough. Too many people are in mourning after reeling from events of the past weeks. Stabbings and shootings in Israel. Bombings, shootings, and hostages in France. Bombings in Lebanon and Nigeria. It’s time to call a spade a spade and acknowledge the threat facing free people across the globe: Radical More »
As a kid, I grew up in a Christian home. Church was a weekly affair, as well as attendance to designed programs for Bible memorization during the week. Even though I was immersed in the Bible as a child, I was not educated on the contextual relevance that it had on my life and the More »