Reclaiming Zionism

I am about to begin my final year as an undergraduate college student. I have come to love my university over the time that I have been there: the students and professors alike have created an environment of engaged, discussion-based learning, and students are encouraged to question and to think critically in every area of study. More »

Forget About a Palestinian State, But Blame the PA

Regardless of who sits as Israel’s Prime Minister and regardless of any comments Bibi made about a Palestinian state, one can take a look at the facts and realize quickly that a Palestinian state will not come into being because the Palestinian Authority (PA) has no interest in peace with Israel. It would also be More »

Marking Ten Years: The Tragedy of Gush Katif, Israel’s Biggest Mistake

Rachel Saperstein’s voice, still laced with a New York accent, shook as she recounted her story.  Although her voice was filled with pain, the fiery grandmother clearly conveyed her passion and love for Israel and the Jewish people. She was now living in a run-down building in Nitzan, a town in Southern Israel, with her More »

The Path to Peace in the Middle East is Not Through Jerusalem

American politicians often claim that if the Arab-Israeli conflict were to be solved, then the myriad of problems in the Middle East would be replaced by peace in the volatile region. George J. Mitchell, a former US Senator and former US special envoy to the Middle East, claims that achieving peace between the Israelis and More »