The World is a Paradox

This planet has become a paradox, in which right is wrong, good is evil, and silence is a course of action. The past couple of weeks have proven to be horrifically violent for the tiny Jewish state. Palestinian terrorists have made a point of attempting to accomplish one goal, and one goal only: to kill More »

Terrorism as a Status Quo

In light of recent terror attacks, I have found it curiously and unfortunately frequent for people to dismiss terrorism as a status quo in the Middle East– specifically in Israel. Is complacency justified by the fact that terrorism is supposedly inevitable in this area of the world? Of course not. Then why is mainstream media More »

Why is the UN Funding Child Soldiers?

I recently became friends with someone who survived the civil war in Sierra Leone. His name is Pandit Mami. Pandit works for the Zionist Organization of America, and travels to campuses helping pro-Israel student groups. I volunteer for several pro-Israel student groups in Missouri, so I agreed to be Pandit’s driver. Pandit is a little More »

The Reversal of Justice: How Anti-Israel Groups Have Faked Their Way to the Moral High-Ground

The cry “Palestine is a feminist issue” echoes on campuses across the country. Numerous Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) affiliates as well as other anti-Israel groups have held joint events with social justice groups, even going so far as to ally themselves with certain high-profile feminists. Rasmea Odeh, a convicted terrorist, is being championed More »

Five Effective Ways to Advocate for Israel on Campus

Be proactive. Start the campus conversation on Israel. From the first month on campus, create a monthly seminar educating your fellow students about Israel’s human rights record and how it is the only democratic state in the region. Table for Israel by handing out informational flyers that tackle myths about Israel. For example, explain the More »