When Mahmoud Abbas visited the White House in May, he assured Donald Trump that “we are raising our children, our grandchildren on a culture of peace.” But when President Trump met with Abbas in Bethlehem, the US leader was furious. “You lied to me,” Trump reportedly said. “The Israelis showed me that you are involved in incitement.”
Indeed, there’s an abundance of proof that Abbas is a systemic liar. For example, Abbas and his Fatah cohorts constantly praise Palestinians who have murdered innocent Israelis — despite claiming to support “peace.” Fatah leader Nabil Shaath recently said that the Palestinians’ right to use “armed struggle” was “indisputable.”
In addition to misleading Trump, Abbas also lied to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson about stopping payments to terrorists’ families. Tillerson later had to admit — once again — that the Trump administration had been duped. Abbas apparently told Jared Kushner that the Palestinian Authority’s payments to terrorists and their families were the government’s “social responsibility.”