
Recognizing Antisemitism When We See It
July 17,2020 I am no stranger to being discriminated against for being Jewish. Growing up, other students would draw swastikas on my papers at school, taunt me with Holocaust jokes, and ask me to pick up the spare change from the ground. I know antisemitism when I see it. Just as I denounce bigotry and More

My Wish for the High Holidays
I am now 8 weeks removed from my ZOA mission trip to Israel, and 5 weeks into school. It is rather daunting to me that time is moving so fast, and I rather miss the hot days in Israel where I spent a month this summer. As Yom Kippur quickly approaches (less than a week) More

16 Years Later, American-Israeli Values Resist Terror
Every year on 9/11 I watch the same clip from the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. In his first show after the tragedy of the terror attacks that struck so close to home, he struggles to put into words his grief and his belief in the American people. He finishes his heartfelt speech with a More